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Questions About Transporting Perishable Goods, Answered

Questions About Transporting Perishable Goods, Answered

Perishable goods are always tricky to transport. Let us help you out. As a logistics services provider in Maywood, California, we’ve gathered a couple of questions you may have about the process:

  • Should you resort to faster shipping options?
    Preferably, yes. As you’re probably well aware, perishable goods tend to spoil quite quickly under certain circumstances. While next day shipping might indeed be a lot costlier than other options, it will help guarantee that your items remain fresh and in good condition upon delivery. However, if you find that the shipping cost is more expensive than the actual product being transported, you might want to consider finding other options.
  • Should you send items on a specific day?
    There aren’t really any restrictions with the schedule when it comes to shipping perishable items. But it’s common knowledge that things take longer to complete over the weekend (since certain business are closed and fewer people man the shifts). For you to be able to avoid this as much as possible, consider shipping your goods early within the week (either Monday or Tuesday) to help prevent any delays in delivery.
  • Should you let the recipient know about the package?
    You can still keep the delivery as a surprise, but giving some of the details to the person you are sending it to does help a lot. You see, letting the recipient aware of the package will alert them to make provisions in order to keep the items fresh. And in case they aren’t home upon the delivery, their neighbor or friend can collect it and store it in the fridge for them in the meantime.
  • Should you use a box?
    Most perishable goods already come in sturdy containers. Still, it doesn’t hurt to double-up the current packaging. For instance, you can use a smaller box to fit your package then cover it in bubble wrap or plastic foam to keep the item from getting dented or damaged during transport. As much as you can, try to use newer cardboard boxes as they can offer more protection than older ones.
  • Should you wrap foods in shrink wrap?
    Doing so is a great option. It will not only protect your package from bacteria and damage, but it can also considerably increase the shelf life as well.
  • Should you add cushioning when shipping glass jars?
    Definitely, yes! Glass jars are highly susceptible to breakage during transport, so it’s best to keep them secure with at least a couple of inches of cushioning. For this, you may either use crumpled newspapers, bubble wrap, and other similar items. Also, don’t forget to secure the cushioning with tape. While it’s true that it may not look visibly appealing, at least it will ensure that your package remains in one piece.

Do you have other questions about shipping perishable goods? STPW, Inc. offers hassle-free transport services for perishable goods and other items. Give us a call if you need help!

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